Daisy Identification
I'm working on documenting the REG and LOT numbers from Daisy. I have done some research and found some good info on the Daisy Museum site, but the info is incomplete and some of it is ambiguous. I am trying to put a more complete and easier to understand document together. If anyone has more info please send us an email so we can add it here.
Here we go.
Year 1972
Lot/Reg No. Begins with A0 or B0 it was made in 1972, but the month cannot be determined. The remaining numbers are the production sequence for that model and month.
I do not have an example for this year.
Year 1973-1981
Lot/Reg Numbers that start with a letter followed by six digits. The number after the letter is the last digit of the year of manufacture from 1973 to 1981 (i.e. A2 = 1972, A5 = 1975, A0 = 1980). The next five digits are the production sequence. The letter represents the month of manufacture, codes below, (Notice I was not used so not to be confused as a number 1).
A = January
B = Febuary
C = March
D = April
E = May
F = June
G = July
H = August
J = September
K = October
L = November
M = December
G603000 = July 1976 3000th 880 produced

Year 1982 - 1991
Lot number that begins with a digit then a letter. The first digit is the last digit of the year of manufacture from 1982 - 1991. The letter is the month of manufacture using the codes above. The next five digits are the production sequence (i.e. 6D16523
= made April 1986 and was the 16523th gun made)
7J18120 = September 1987 18120th 880 manufactured.

Year 1992 - 1994
Lot number that begins with two digits then a letter then five digits from 1992 into 1994, except 20th anniversary (1992) which uses the schema above. This schema uses the month codes above. 92C34034 = March 1992, 2B10349 = February 1992 20th Anniversary Model.
I do not have an example pic for these years.
Year 1994 - 2011
Lot number starts with four digits. The first two digits are the number of the month, the next two digits are the last two digits of the year, starting in 1994 - 2011.
0103 01493 = January 2003 this was the 1493th 822 made.

Year 2010 - 2017
Lot number 12 digits and a letter. I do not have any more information about this schema.
Date codes changed to:
F = January
G = February
H = March
J = April
K = May
M = June
N = July
Q = August
U = September
V = October
X = November
Z = December
I do not have an example of this schema.
Year 2017 - Present
Lot number is 16 digits and a new format for the letter suffix of the month. The first two digits indicate the production facility, the next two are the year of manufacture, then a production sequence/QC number and finally the letter indicating the month of manufacture.
Date codes changed to:
A = January
B = February
C = March
D = April
E = May
F = June
G = July
H = August
I = September
J = October
K = November
L = December
Notice this time the letter I is used.
05212202231250136J = October 2021

Other than curiosity these dates are important to know the configuration of certain guns. Such as what years had cast metal vs stamped pump arms, clear metal receivers vs warming billboard, pressed in barrel vs clamped, etc.... I suspect the differences in designs will also be important in the future.