One of the best accuracy improvement modifications to any gun is to add an optical sight such as a scope or red-dot sight. There are several options available for the popular Red Rider model. Some of the options are more of a do-it-yourself type but at least one is more of a factory accessory type installation. They all have their pros and cons.
The most factory style mount is the Lasso Mount.
The video below demonstrates the installation of the Lasso which can be purchased at Pyramydair.
The next option is a DIY pic rail.
This one is also demonstrated in the following video.
The third option is a retail solution made for the Red Rider. It is offered by Buck Rail. The following video demonstrates the Buck Rail option.
The last option covered in this post is a true DIY solution. It is a design that can be 3D printed. The model can be found on Thingiverse. This option has the least preferable attachment method as it uses hot glue to secure the mount to the rifle.

Regardless of which option you choose adding a scope to your Red Rider can be a great way to add more fun to shooting and a great training aid to young shooters.